
сложить глагол:
сложить (fold, lay down, add, pile up)
складывать (fold, add up, ADD, sum, add together, sum up)
сгибать (bend, flex, buckle, fold, bow, curve)
фальцевать (fold, crease, quire)
перегибать (fold)
загибать (bend, turn up, fold, crease, turn down, clinch)
скрещивать (cross, interbreed, hybridize, crossbreed, intersect, fold)
завертывать (wrap, roll, roll up, fold, fold up, wrap up)
обхватывать (enfold, fold, brace, cope, entwine, enclasp)
вымешивать (fold)
окутывать (envelop, wrap, shroud, enwrap, muffle, fold)
обнимать (hug, embrace, cuddle, enfold, clasp, fold)
дублировать (duplicate, double, dub, stand in, understudy, fold)
загонять (huddle, bay, drive in, fold, pen, house)
сбивать (bring down, shoot down, knock, Down, churn, fold)
имя существительное:
складка (fold, crease, wrinkle, pleat, tuck, plica)
сгиб (fold, bend, crease, ply, flexion, flexure)
фальц (fold, welt, rabbet, rut, chase, furrow)
падь (fold)
кошара (fold)
паства (flock, congregation, fold, sheep, charge)
створ (alignment, range, fold, aligning)
впадина (cavity, depression, trough, hollow, dent, fold)
овчарня (sheepfold, cote, fold, sheepcote)
флексура (flexure, fold, monocline)
кольцо (ring, annulus, circle, collar, race, fold)
извилины ущелья (fold)
загон для овец (sheepfold, sheepcote, fold, run)
извилины каньона (fold)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "fold" в других словарях:

  • fold — fold·able; fold·age; fold; fold·less; in·fold; man·i·fold·er; man·i·fold·ly; man·i·fold·ness; mil·lion·fold; mul·ti·fold; one·fold; re·fold; re·fold·er; scaf·fold·age; scaf·fold·er; scaf·fold·ing; sev·en·fold·ed; tri·fold; twi·fold;… …   English syllables

  • Fold — Fold, n. [OE. fald, fold, AS. fald, falod.] 1. An inclosure for sheep; a sheep pen. [1913 Webster] Leaps o er the fence with ease into the fold. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. A flock of sheep; figuratively, the Church or a church; as, Christ s fold.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fold — (f[=o]ld), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Folded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Folding}.] [OE. folden, falden, AS. fealdan; akin to OHG. faltan, faldan, G. falten, Icel. falda, Dan. folde, Sw. f[*a]lla, Goth. fal[thorn]an, cf. Gr. di pla sios twofold, Skr. pu[.t]a a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fold — fold1 [fōld] vt. [ME folden < OE faldan (WS fealdan), akin to Ger falten < IE * pel to < base * pel , to fold > (SIM)PLE, (TRI)PLE] 1. a) to bend or press (something) so that one part is over another; double up on itself [to fold a… …   English World dictionary

  • Fold — Fold, n. [From {Fold}, v. In sense 2 AS. feald, akin to fealdan to fold.] 1. A doubling,esp. of any flexible substance; a part laid over on another part; a plait; a plication. [1913 Webster] Mummies . . . shrouded in a number of folds of linen.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fold — Ⅰ. fold [1] ► VERB 1) bend (something) over on itself so that one part of it covers another. 2) (often as adj. folding) be able to be folded into a flatter shape. 3) use (a soft or flexible material) to cover or wrap something in. 4)… …   English terms dictionary

  • fold — [fəʊld ǁ foʊld] also fold up verb [intransitive] ECONOMICS if a business folds or folds up, it stops operating or trading because it does not have enough money to continue: • The U.K. engineering firm has folded today with the loss of 30 jobs. •… …   Financial and business terms

  • Fold — Fold, v. i. To confine sheep in a fold. [R.] [1913 Webster] The star that bids the shepherd fold. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • -fold — [fəʊld ǁ foʊld] suffix a particular number of times: • The value of the house has increased fourfold in the last ten years (= it is now worth four times as much as it was ten years ago ) . * * * fold suffix ► having the stat …   Financial and business terms

  • fold — [n] double thickness bend, circumvolution, cockle, convolution, corrugation, crease, crimp, crinkle, dog’s ear*, flection, flexure, furrow, gather, gathering, groove, knife edge*, lap, lapel, layer, loop, overlap, plait, pleat, plica, plication,… …   New thesaurus

  • Fold — Fold, v. i. To become folded, plaited, or doubled; to close over another of the same kind; to double together; as, the leaves of the door fold. 1 Kings vi. 34. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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